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Grow in Wisdom and Discover Biblical Principles with Ian Clayton

Monthly Live Q&A
Connect live with Ian Clayton and get your burning questions answered, every month. Gold members.

Weekly Live Calls
Grow with The Tribe through our weekly live community calls run by our amazing team & Discord moderators.

400 + Teachings
Journey through 40+ years of Ian Clayton's life with more than 400+ teachings & conferences.

New Teachings
Every month we release new teachings and conferences for Free to all Silver and Gold Members.
and much more, find out more!
The Son of Thunder membership offers access to the vast majority of Ian Clayton's journey through conference sessions and teachings.
A transformative experience for a growing global tribe through live monthly Q&As with Ian Clayton, weekly community calls, teachings and more...
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The Foundational Series
- 400+ Teachings (Including Conferences)
- - New Teachings & Conferences added Monthly
- - Members Discord Page
- - Weekly Live Community Calls
14-Day Free Trial | Cancel Anytime
The Foundational Series & Silver membership
- - Gold Lounge Access
- - Live Monthly Q&A Calls with Ian Clayton
- - Access to Ian Claytons Round Table Sessions
- - BONUS | Free online Entry to Ian Clayton's Yearly 3 Day NZ Conference (T's &C's apply)

As the founder of Son of Thunder, Ian Clayton is committed to enabling believers to tap into the power of Yahweh’s Kingdom residing within them. By travelling around the world and sharing his revelatory teachings, Ian provides practical guidance for believers to actively engage in the heavenly supernatural realms and cultivate a profound connection with Yahweh. Encouraging a pursuit of Yahweh’s presence beyond mere duty, Ian's ultimate goal is to guide people towards a deeper relationship with Yahweh, allowing them to experience life in His Kingdom. Believers can make a meaningful impact on a broken world by embracing the reality of the Kingdom, taking responsibility, and recognising their place as heirs of the Kingdom of Yahweh.
Topics Covered Include:
Yahweh, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit: Interwoven into the fabric of who Ian is, an unwavering and insatiable desire for relationship with the three-in-one being: Yahweh, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit. Exodus 33:11 states: "The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.” Why is it important to engage with all three of them, face to face, individually and separately? Is it necessary? What might it look like to have relationship with them and on what level? How do we know it’s possible and where in the Word are some examples for us to engage with and follow? Expect to have discourse on all of these questions throughout the teachings in this membership.
Spiritual Beings and Encounters: Every account of someone's life or their experiences shared in the Word “is a gateway for engagement and exploration,” not a static and finite story. All throughout the teaching contained in this membership, Ian shares his own personal Journey with many people and beings such as; Yeshua, The Holy Spirit, Enoch, The Seraphim, Ezekiel, the Seven Spirits of God, The Men in White Linen, Moses, Solomon and David, to name a few. He shares why it’s important to be “under tutors and governors until the appointed time.” How encounters begin, how they feel, why they happen, why relationship and visitation is deep and lasting, why these spirit beings are important for the Body of Christ, what we can learn from them and how they have deeply impacted him on a personal and spiritual level.
DNA: If Yahweh really is our Father, we should carry the same DNA as Him. We should look like Him. Ian shares with us from his personal encounters in the supernatural realm how he was taught about the DNA of Yahweh. He opens up to us the deeper teaching Jesus was giving at the Last Supper when He instituted the Communion meal. Learn how Christ in us truly is the hope of glory and much, much more.
Ascending: Ian has been learning about and exploring what it means to ascend for many years. It has become a part of who he is and his "normal" life. This membership provides teachings on this topic, including specific teachings on the fruit that can be seen in our lives from ascending. The teachings cover ascending, ascension, living an ascended life, and the 12 gates of ascension. Many references and shared experiences about this topic are included throughout the teachings.
Hebrew Letters: The living Hebrew Letters are something that Ian has been engaging with for more than 15 years. It's a constant and deepening journey to learn what they are, how they function, what role they have in our lives, how they interact with creation, and how to engage the Word with and through them. A common practice throughout this membership is the dissection of Scripture to experience revelation by looking at what was originally said and meant from a Hebrew perspective and context. Also included is a walk through the Aleph-Bet, step by step, to learn how to weave the living Hebrew letters into our autosomes.
Creation Mysteries: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. This incredible statement has captivated and compelled generations for thousands of years to pursue our Creator and understand what occurred during the beginning and even before. Many of Ian's teachings reference creation in some form or another and there’s certainly no shortage of creation dissection in this membership. His four part creation series which delves into the Scriptures at the beginning of Genesis, to being co-creators, the 8th day of creation, other created realms, our responsibility in creation and the reality that “all of creation groans for the manifestation of the sons of Yahweh,” and more are all covered in this membership.
Introducing The Foundational Series
Not a member yet? The foundational series in our basic membership is made up of 11 teaching sets containing 78 teachings spanning Kingdom Mysteries, Supernatural Encounters and Kingdom Government bundles.
We have curated and combined these bundles together as a starting point, continuation or reminder for you and your journey with Yahweh.
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The Foundational Series
- 78 Audio Teachings
- - Supernatural Encounters Bundle
- - Kingdom Mysteries Bundle
- - Kingdom Government Bundle
- - Members Discord Page
- - Weekly Live Community Calls
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The Foundational Series
- 400+ Teachings (Including Conferences)
- - New Teachings & Conferences added Monthly
- - Members Discord Page
- - Weekly Live Community Calls
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The Foundational Series & Silver membership
- - Gold Lounge Access
- - Live Monthly Q&A Calls with Ian Clayton
- - Access to Ian Claytons Round Table Sessions
- - BONUS | Free online Entry to Ian Clayton's Yearly 3 Day NZ Conference (T's &C's apply)
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I use the membership on my mobile phone?
To access your Son of Thunder membership on your phone you need to download the Kajabi app here -
Be sure to log in to your exisiting account with the same email and password as you used for the website. Once you have signed in to your membership in the app you’ll be able to see all membership videos and interact with the membership there.
PLEASE NOTE: this is NOT the same website or login as the website. Please use the login details you used when signing up to
Will there be an option to filter my search by date?
We’re doing our best add dates to all conference sets so that you can filter your search by date. This process will take some time and we appreciate your patience.
What is Discord?
Discord is a community focused, social networking platform where you can communicate online, with anyone, worldwide, at any given time.
Can I watch my Son of Thunder membership videos on Discord?
Discord is NOT where you go to watch the videos that are included in the Son of Thunder membership. You can only watch SOT membership videos after signing up and logging in here -
Why should I join Discord?
Son of Thunder has a public global Discord server for anyone to join. Within our server, there's a private section for SOT members. In the server, you can also connect with like-minded believers in the public or private channels and make lasting connections with people on the same trajectory. This is also where you can access the weekly moderated live calls, and if you're a gold member, this is how you will access the monthly live Q&A with Ian. To make the most of your membership, we would love to see you there. Click this invite and join the tribe today:
Membership cancellation?
1) Log into from a web browser (the Kajabi app doesn't have account settings).
2) > Account Settings > Billing > Active Subscriptions
3) > Click on the 3 dots next to your card number > Cancel this subscription
Changing membership.
1: On a web browser go into your account settings and under billing cancel your previous membership.
2: Head to, select the offer you want to buy.
3: Select the offer.
4: Purchase the offer (Please be aware, that you will be charged your next monthly cycle on the completion of your purchase)
Update my payment details.
When you're on a web browser and logged into you can go into your account settings and under "billing" update your card details. Card details cannot be updated from within the Kajabi App on a mobile device.
Need to get in touch?
If you have any questions regarding Son of Thunder Membership, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]